Updating Synced Products

Seller Updating Products
If the seller has disabled the Auto Sync New Products Tab:-

Once the seller makes any changes in the products on his/her Shopify store, he/she will get info on the multi-vendor seller dashboard to update all products.

Clicking the “View the products” button, redirect your sellers to a page where all the products will be listed that are not yet updated on the admin’s store.

Click Here to enlarge image.
Now, the seller can update all the products in a go simply by clicking the“Update all products” button. Additionally, the seller can manually update each product as per his/her choice.

Click Here to enlarge image.

In the manual update, Clicking the “Update Product” button, the product will be in the “Processing” state.

Click Here to enlarge image.

Once processed, the product will get unlisted from this section.

Click Here to enlarge image.

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