Seller Shipping Configuration: Marketplace Shipping (Customized Rates)

Seller Shipping Configuration using our Marketplace Shipping to customize your own shipping rates. (For Shipstation Shipping - USPS Real-time Rates, see this article)

  1. Login to your Vendor account
  2. Navigate to Configuration>Shipping Configuration
  3. Seller Panel: Shipping Configuration

Shipping methods configured by the admin will get listed like this on the seller side. From here, the seller will proceed to add shipping rates on their own.

From the Action menu, the seller can enable/disable the shipping methods as per his/her requirements.

Clicking the view button, Seller can view the shipping details & proceed to add shipping ranges & add countries/zone to add shipping rates.

Shipping Configuration Seller • Multivendor MarketPlace \(2\)

4. Set Shipping as Default: Seller Panel

Sellers can also set the marketplace shipping as default option from their seller dashboard.

**It is necessary* for the sellers to choose a shipping method. Only then will shipping rates will be visible to the customers on front end.*

If a seller doesn’t want to set the shipping method separately for each of his products then, he can simply set the “Shipping as default” as set the shipping rates. Thus, the marketplace shipping method will be automatically added to each product of that seller.

Multi-vendor Seller Panel>>Go to Configuration>>Shipping Configuration>>Click (…)Action>>Click“Set As Default” from Action menu of Shipping Methods.

seller shipping


If the seller is shipping to different countries with different shipping rates then, he/she has to set country wise shipping.

In the Shipping Configuration menu of the seller panel, the seller will have the marketplace shipping option in the listing.

Dashboard Seller • Multivendor MarketPlace \(1\)

In front of that shipping method, the seller needs to click the view button in the Action menu.

Clicking the view button, the seller will see the list of added countries. There, the seller will get the option to manage shipping ranges & add more countries.

The seller can manage each country’s shipping rates from the Action menu just by clicking the view button. He/she can anytime disable/delete any country from the list.

Shipping Configuration Seller • Multivendor MarketPlace \(5\)

6. How to Manage Shipping Range?

Sellers first need to add Shipping ranges and then proceed to add countries to set different shipping rates for each country for all the states.

Shipping Details Seller • Multivendor MarketPlace \(4\)

Seller Adding Shipping Ranges

Seller will click the Add New Range button to set a shipping range to enter zone-wise shipping rates. These rates will be applied whether on the product’s price or product’s weight.

Range Details Seller • Multivendor MarketPlace
A Seller can add up to 8 shipping ranges for a Shipping method.

Range Details Seller • Multivendor MarketPlace \(1\)
Shipping Range is set based on the Price of the product. Similar to this, Seller can set up to 8 ranges for a shipping method. Also, the seller can edit/delete the ranges.

. . .

Range Details Seller • Multivendor MarketPlace \(2\)
The seller can view the shipping range details from here:

Range Details Seller • Multivendor MarketPlace \(3\)
Once done, the seller will proceed to select countries & set different shipping rates for each country & their states based on price or weight of the product.

Add Shipping Country Seller • Multivendor MarketPlace
All the countries to which shipping rate is set will be listed in this section (as attached in the screenshot). The seller can proceed to manage shipping ranges from there & add new countries also.

Shipping Details Seller • Multivendor MarketPlace \(5\)
This way, a seller can set different shipping rates for different countries based on Price or weight of the product.


Once the admin configures Zone-wise shipping from his end, the seller will get the option to add zone-wise shipping rates.

Shipping Configuration Seller • Multivendor MarketPlace \(3\)
Clicking the Edit button, the seller will get the option to add ranges & add zone-wise shipping rates.

Shipping Details Seller • Multivendor MarketPlace

Seller Adding Shipping Ranges

Seller will click the Add New Range button to set a shipping range to enter zone-wise shipping rates. These rates will be applied whether on the product’s price or product’s weight.

Range Details Seller • Multivendor MarketPlace
A Seller can add up to 8 shipping ranges for a Shipping method.

Range Details Seller • Multivendor MarketPlace \(1\)
Here, the shipping range is set on the basis of Product Price. Similar to this, Seller can set up to 8 ranges for a shipping method. Also, the seller can edit/delete the ranges.

Range Details Seller • Multivendor MarketPlace \(2\)
The seller can view the shipping range details from here:

Shipping Configuration Seller • Multivendor MarketPlace \(4\)
Shipping Details Seller • Multivendor MarketPlace \(1\)
Now, as the sellers have added the Shipping rates, they can now proceed to add zone-wise shipping rates simply by clicking here:

Seller Adding Shipping Rates

Case 1: When Range Details Tab is Enabled from Admin End. In this case, sellers can simply add zone-wise shipping rates.

Shipping Details Seller • Multivendor MarketPlace \(2\)
Case 2: When Range Details Tab is Disabled from Admin End.

If the Range Details Tab is disabled from admin end, Seller can directly set a Fixed Shipping cost for the respective zone.

set a fixed shipping cost
You can view the details, edit/delete zones later if required.

Shipping Details Seller • Multivendor MarketPlace \(3\)
That is how sellers can add zone-wise shipping rates.


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