Etsy Seller Sync App

Etsy Configuration

Please note - You must have been APPROVED as a seller before continuing this portion. If you haven't yet been approved please complete your profile and contact us Here to let us know!

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Navigate to the Configuration menu of the Seller Panel in your MAGAZON account.

Clicking on the “Etsy Configuration“, Seller needs to enter his/her Etsy store’s details such as Etsy Shop Name, API key, and Secret key.

NOTE:- Seller on Etsy can get his/her Etsy store name from the “Accounts” section of his/her Etsy Store.
Login as Etsy Seller>>You (at the upper right corner)>>View Profile>>Get the Store Name.

Click Here to enlarge image.

Click Here to enlarge image.

How to get API & Secret Key?
To get the API key and Secret key, Seller needs to login to his/her Etsy Store and “Create An App” using Developer Account.

Do refer the attached Screenshot:

Click Here to enlarge image.

Click Here to enlarge image.

Once the Seller creates the app, he/she will click on the created app to get the API and Secret Key details.

Further, seller can copy the API and Secret key from here and paste it in the “Etsy Configuration” section.

Click Here to enlarge image.

Once the Seller gets the API and Secret Key, he/she needs to fill all the details in the Etsy Configuration section of the MAGAZON Seller Panel.

Click Here to enlarge image.

Once the Etsy Seller configures his/her Etsy Store’s details, Seller can start importing products from Etsy to MAGAZON.

Import Products
As soon as the Seller adds all his/her Etsy shop details in MAGAZON, an “Import Products” button gets added to the same page.

Further, clicking on the “Import Product” button, Seller will get two methods to import his Etsy store’s product to Shopify.

Method 1: Using single or comma-separated Listing ID(s)

Using this method, Seller needs to enter the Listing ID(s) of the products that he/she wants to import and then click on the “Import” button to get those products imported from Etsy to MAGAZON.

Method 2: Import Products using CSV

Click Here to enlarge image.

In this method, Seller can upload a CSV file having a list of all the product’s listing IDs to be imported at a time in bulk. Once uploaded, Validate the file and click on the Submit button.

In this way, Seller can import products from Etsy to MAGAZON.

Admin End
Once the products get imported into MAGAZON, they will be in approval pending state at both the ends (admin and seller end). It is up to admin if he/she approves or rejects the products to be sold on the admin’s marketplace. If the admin denies the imported product, he/she needs to add a reason for the rejection.

Once the admin approves any product, the same will reflect in the Seller panel of MAGAZON.

Import Orders
When imported products will be ordered on the admin’s Shopify store, order details & inventory gets updated on Etsy too. But when an order is placed at Etsy, Seller needs to import the orders from Etsy to Shopify & manage the product’s quantity at Shopify end.

Click Here to enlarge image.

This will be done from the Seller Panel of MAGAZON.

Etsy Orders will be imported either by “Order Status” or by “Receipt IDs”

Import By Order Status:

Click Here to enlarge image.

The seller can select any of the 5 order status i.e. Open, Unshipped, Unpaid, Completed or Processing and proceed to import 100 orders.

Import by Receipt IDs:

After importing 100 orders by “Order Status”, rest of the orders will be imported by “Receipt IDs”. Seller will enter the receipt ID(s) and click on the “Import” button to import the orders.

Click Here to enlarge image.

Please Note:- 100 Orders will be imported by selecting any of the above-mentioned order status and the rest of the orders will be imported by receipt IDs.

In this way, Seller can manually update the inventory at Shopify end.

Price Rule

Let the sellers create price rules to manage the product price of their PrestaShop store to the merchant’s store.

Click Here to enlarge image.

Sellers will have a new menu named Connector Price Rule in the configuration menu of the app. From here, the seller can create price rules based on which the seller’s product price will be calculated on the merchant’s store.

Clicking the Connector Price Rule, the seller needs to enable “Price Rule” status and select the options as increase/decrease price, the price will be changed by a fixed amount or a percentage amount, enter the amount that needs to be changed.

Click Here to enlarge image.

Further, enable the checkbox to update already synced product’s price at the merchant’s store as per the price rule created.

This way, sellers can create price rules from their respective seller panels based on which product price of the seller’s store will be calculated at the merchant’s store.

That’s all about the Shopify-Etsy Connector Feature App using which admin can allow his/her sellers to connect their Etsy Store with the admin’s Shopify store with ease.

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